The purpose of this application, under Article 75.5 of the ICZN Code, is to conserve the current usage of the specific name Andrena ovatula (Kirby, 1802) by setting aside all previous types and designating a neotype for Melitta ovatula. The name Andrena ovatula has been used as the senior name for what is a complex of species for more than 100 years. The principal confusion has been with Andrena afzeliella (Kirby, 1802), described from a female specimen, whereas Andrena ovatula was described from three male specimens. Within this group, males are morphologically more challenging to recognise than females, and as the existing male type material of A. ovatula possibly does not conform to the current use of A. ovatula, this poses a risk of nomenclatural instability. A female neotype is designated for Andrena ovatula, fixing the current interpretation of Andrena ovatula as distinct from A. afzeliella.

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Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
Staff publications

Wood, T., & Praz, Christophe. (2024). Case 3878 – Andrena ovatula: proposed conservation of current usage by designation of a neotype for Melitta ovatula Kirby, 1802 (currently Andrena ovatula; Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 81(1), 62–67. doi:10.21805/bzn.v81.a008

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