Two species of Succineidae, belonging to different subfamilies, are reported from Bhutan. Succinea rutilans, described from the Khasi hills, is one more indication of a biogeographical link between Bhutan and the Indian state of Meghalaya. Based primarily on Dna data, Indosuccinea crassinuclea is considered a widespread species, distributed from northern India and Bhutan southwards to even Sri Lanka and The Maldives.

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Staff publications

Gittenberger, E., C. Gyeltshen (Choki), T. Pem (Tshering), Gittenberger, A., & S. Sherub (Sherub). (2024). Succineidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in Bhutan. Basteria, 88(2), 156–163.
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