Measuring the use of natural history collections is essential to understand their past and present impact on science, to underpin decisions about their management and to assist with deploying them optimally to address societal challenges. Using the vast natural history collections of Naturalis Biodiversity Center as an example, this paper assesses the significance and relevance of quantifying collection use. Four aspects are discussed: 1. standardisation, 2. relevance of having standardised metrics on collection use, 3. the level of detail and completeness of the information and 4. the interactions between digitisation of collections and physical collection use. Based on a set of transparent and objective parameters to describe collection use, it is proposed to further develop these into international standards.

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Biodiversity Data Journal

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Staff publications

Caspers, M., Willemse, L., Raes, N., Smets, E., Schalk, P., Banki, O., & Gijswijt, G. (2024). Quantifying the use of natural history collections. Biodiversity Data Journal, 12(e130811). doi:10.3897/bdj.12.e130811