In the Clavilithidae Vermeij & M. A. Snyder, 2018, here raised from subfamily to family status in Neogastropoda, we name Liralithes gen. nov. (type species: Fusus tjidamarensis K. Martin, 1879) from the Early Miocene to Early Pleistocene of the Indo-Malayan region. It differs from other clavilithids by having lirae on the inner side of the outer lip and by having columellar folds. Lirae evolved very late in this family as well as in Muricidae, Fasciolariidae (Fusininae), Melongenidae, and Dolicholatiridae. In Dolicholatiridae, the genus Latirofusus Cossmann, 1889 (lirae absent) from the Paleocene and Eocene differs from the post-Eocene Dolicholatirus Bellardi, 1884 (lirae present).

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Staff publications

Vermeij, G., Raven, H., & M. Harzhauser (Mathias). (2024). Liralithes, a new genus of Clavalithidae (Neogastropoda) from the Indo-West Pacific, with comments on the late evolution of apertural lirae. Basteria, 88(1), 38–42.