Circinotrichum, Gyrothrix and Vermiculariopsiella represent a complex of dematiaceous, setose, saprobic hyphomycetes that are commonly collected on plant litters in tropical, subtropical to temperate climates. Multi-locus analysis (ITS, LSU, rpb2) and morphological studies revealed that Gyrothrix and Circinotrichum are polyphyletic and species belong to 10 genera grouping in three different clades within Xylariales, named Coniocessiaceae (Circinotrichum and Pirozynskiomyces gen. nov.), Microdochiaceae (Selenodriella and the resurrected genus Peglionia) and the new family Gyrothricaceae (Gyrothrix, Xenoanthostomella, Neogyrothrix gen. nov., Pseudocircinotrichum gen. nov., and Pseudoceratocladium gen. nov.). Vermiculariopsiella (Vermiculariopsiellales, Vermiculariopsiellaceae) is emended for species with setose sporodochia with simple setae (V. dichapetali, V. eucalypticola, V. immersa, V. pini, V. spiralis, V. australiensis sp. nov.) while Vermiculariopsis is resurrected and includes setose fungi with branched setae (Vs. dunni, Vs. eucalypti, Vs. eucalyptigena, Vs. lauracearum, Vs. microsperma, Vs. pediculata and Vs. castanedae sp. nov.).

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Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi

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Naturalis journals & series

Hernãndez-Restrepo, M., Decock, C. A., Costa, M.M., & Crous, P. W. (2022). Phylogeny and taxonomy of Circinotrichum, Gyrothrix, Vermiculariopsiella and other setose hyphomycetes. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 49, 99–135. doi:10.3767/persoonia.2022.49.03