Within the morphologically diverse pantropical genus Phyllanthus, many subgenera, sections and subsections are recognized. While most taxonomic revisions often focus on local floras, closely related and often resembling species are not always treated in full. Subgenus Macraea is here revised for the first time over its whole distribution, including an identification key and descriptions of its species with distributions, ecology, uses and vernacular names. The currently acknowledged varieties of Phyllanthus distichus are rejected due to inadequate morphological differences. Phyllanthus panayensis is synonymized with P. lancifolius. Phyllanthus alpestris has now become a variety of P. glaucophyllus because of the resemblance in morphology and distribution. The species complex around Phyllanthus virgatus remains taxonomically difficult, but Phyllanthus virgatus var. gardnerianus and Phyllanthus virgatus var. hirtellus are here recognized on the species level as P. gardnerianus, stat nov. and P. tararae, stat & nom. nov. A new species from the Philippines, Phyllanthus ridsdalei, is described

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Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants

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Naturalis journals & series

Verwijs, J.I.M., Bouman, R., & van Welzen, P. C. (2019). A taxonomic revision of Phyllanthus subgenus Macraea (Phyllanthaceae). Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 64(3), 231–252. doi:10.3767/blumea.2019.64.03.05