Pelliciera is a genus of mangrove trees with distinct showy flowers with five petals subtended by two large foliaceous bracts. The genus, thought to be monotypic, only containing P. rhizophorae, was classified recently in the small diverse family, the Tetrameristaceae. This distinctive genus occurs in a relatively restricted distribution in Central and northern South America in the Atlantic-East Pacific region. In this recent decade, two varietal forms have been reported across its range, of which one appears to be a colour morph referred to much earlier as P. rhizophorae var. benthamii. The taxonomic status of the earlier morph was, however, insufficient to warrant individual recognition at the time, so the genus remained monotypic with no varietal forms. The aim of this treatment has been to review the systematic history of the genus, to thoroughly re-assess available observations and to re-evaluate the current taxonomic status. In conclusion, the genus is recognised now as having two closely related species, described here as P. benthamii along with a redefined P. rhizophorae. Characters such as leafy bract colour, leaf dentition and petal shape used in their discrimination are provided, along with notes on the ecology, phenology, a diagnostic key, and a revised distribution map that displays the oddly overlapping occurrences.

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Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants

Released under the CC-BY 4.0 ("Attribution") License

Naturalis journals & series

Duke, N. C. (2020). A systematic revision of the vulnerable mangrove genus Pelliciera (Tetrameristaceae) in equatorial America. Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 65(2), 107–120. doi:10.3767/blumea.2020.65.02.04