The Christensen Research Institute, POB 305, Madang, Papua New Guinea, was officially opened on 9 January 1986. The Institute was founded by Ms. Dr. D. CHRISTENSEN, whose family foundation, the Christensen Fund, U.S.A., paid for the construction, upkeep, and general management. The first Director is Dr. M. JEBB. It is just outside of Madang on a peninsula within a large lagoon with a fringing barrier reef with numerous patch reefs and coral-rubble islands. It shares its 22 acre coconut plantation with a luxury hotel. Extensive areas of Medium crowned lowland hill forest exist, while there is access to several parts of the Ramu River and the foothills of the mountain ranges to the South. The facilities are dedicated to both marine and terrestrial biological research, and include extensive laboratory space with fresh and salt water aquaria, an air-conditioned dry lab, a library, a dark room, a herbarium, and a small museum. All the necessary research equipment is present, including an IBM-XT, and a well-equipped workshop. Available also are cars, boats, and various collecting gear for land and sea excursions. 25 Fellowships are offered annually with preference to scientists of the University of Papua New Guinea, CSIRO (Australia), Stanford University, and the California Academy of Sciences. They consist of return air fares, free accommodation and food, and free use of all facilities. Other visitors are welcome and then must pay a reasonable daily rate for lodging, food, and rent of equipment. Research visa costs can be obtained through C.R.I. for Kina 230.00 (!). For further information contact one of the following persons: Dr. M. JEBB, C.R.I., POB 305, Madang; Ms. Dr. D. FAUTIN, California Academy of Science, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California – 94118; Sir R. SOUTHWOOD, Zoology Dept., South Parks Road, Oxford (U.K.); Dr. C. PEARMAIN, CSIRO, CIRC, 2nd Floor Canberra Savings Centre, City Walk, POB 260, Canberra, A.C.T. – 2608. Forest Research Institute, Kepong (KEP): A historical review has been published by K.M. WONG (See Bibliography).