ARMSTRONG, J.A., J.M. POWELL & A.J. RICHARDS (eds.), Pollination and Evolution, vii + 108 pp. (1982, Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney). $A 15.00 plus postage. This publication is the edited text of nine out of eleven papers read at a symposium on pollination biology during the 13th International Botanical Congress in Sydney, August 1981. The majority of the papers deal with Australian plants and animals. A.J. Beattie discusses the paucity of ant pollination systems in contrast to the abundance in ant dispersal systems. From Vivienne Turner we learn that 25 out of 119 Australian marsupials are known to visit flowers, but only few actually play a role in pollination, mainly in Myrtaceae and Proteaceae. G.J. Keighery discusses bird pollination in Western Australia and D.C. Patton the influence of honeyeaters on flowering strategies of Australian plants. — M.M.J, van Balgooy.