Vegetation descriptions of Mount Kinabalu (4101 m), the highest mountain in tropical Asia between the Himalayas and New Guinea, have resulted in different, conflicting zonations. Some stress more on floristic affinities, others more on physiognomy. A lowland zone reaching to about 1000 m is usually distinguished. The next 2000 m comprising the mountain forests are treated in many different ways. A summit zone (above 3800 m) is recognized rather often (cf. Stapf, 1895; Gibbs, 1914; Meijer, 1963; Van Steenis, 1964; Menzel, 1988). In our opinion the most convincing is the zonation proposed by Van Steenis, who stressed the floristic composition. This comprises three zones: 1. the foothill zone below 1000 m; 2. the montane zone from 1000 to 2500 m; 3. the subalpine zone above 2500 m. Since this zonation was based on phanerogams it was tempting to investigate whether it is reflected in the bryophytes and lichens.