Utricularia is represented in Malaysia by two main kinds of plant, i.e., aquatic and terrestrial. The aquatic species can again be divided into two main groups, those which float freely in still water and those which are more or less anchored in and beneath shallow water. All of the aquatic species consist of long branching stolons bearing leaves which are divided into capillary segments and traps. The racemes of small yellow, violet, or purple flowers arise from the stolons and project a few inches above the surface of the water. The terrestrial species (including a few which are epiphytic) consist of slender rhizoids bearing linear, spathulate or peltate leaves and traps. These grow on or just below the surface of damp soil and are usually very inconspicuous. From these rhizoids arise the flowering scapes which are erect or twine round other plants and bear a few to many small yellow, white or purple flowers. In the few epiphytic species the rhizoids grow among moss on trees or rocks. Several of the terrestrial species often grow together and as they are all superficially alike, care is necessary to avoid making mixed gatherings. Some of the species exhibit a considerable amount of variation in the size and colouring of the flowers. In collecting Utricularia spp. it is very important to ensure that the specimens are complete, i.e., with flowers, leaves and traps, and if available ripe fruits. With the aquatic species the free floating plants can be lifted complete from the water and (preferably) ”floated out” on to flimsy paper before pressing. The anchored aquatic species must be lifted out with the mud which is carefully washed away before ”floating out”.