It is not without some pride and much satisfaction that the present volume, fourth planned in the series, second in sequence of publication, is brought to a successful end. Satisfaction I feel through the fact that the scheme and aim of this work is not only understood by the scientific-botanical world, but has also been accepted in the administrative world: Notwithstanding the long term scope of the work, the High Government of the Republic of Indonesia, having realized the essential value of basic scientific work in the natural sciences for the welfare of the future generations of its young nation, has been instrumental in authorizing the Director of Kebun Raya Indonesia (Botanic Gardens of Indonesia, Bogor) to create a Flora Malesiana Foundation. Sponsored by the Indonesian Government, this Foundation knits together the work and interest of the Herbarium Bogoriense of Kebun Raya Indonesia and the Netherlands Rijksherbarium at Leyden, the direction of which have officially agreed to a long-range close co-operation.