Caesalpiniaceae (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae)
Flora Malesiana - Series 1, Spermatophyta , Volume 12 - Issue 2 p. 409- 730
In Malesia the family contains 25 indigenous genera and 8 genera with only introduced species, as follows (in brackets the number of native and/or introduced species in Malesia): Acrocarpus (1), Afzelia (2), Amherstia (1), Bauhinia (69), Brownea (4), Caesalpinia (22), Cassia (4), Chamaecrista (5), Copaifera (1), Crudia (28), Cynometra (14), Delonix (1), Dialium (5), Endertia (1), Gleditsia (1), Haematoxylum (1), Hymenaea (2), Intsia (2), Kalappia (1), Kingiodendron (3), Koompassia (3), Leucostegane (2), Maniltoa (13), Parkinsonia (1), Peltophorum (3), Pterolobium (5), Saraca (8), Schizolobium (1), Senna (17), Sindora (15), Sympetalandra (5), Tamarindus (1), Uittienia (1). Altogether there are 200 indigenous species in the area, and 42 introduced species are also fully treated. The general family part is by the three authors, except a chapter on palynology (R.W.J.M. van der Ham) and a chapter on phytochemistry and chemotaxonomy (R. Hegnauer). K. & S. S. Larsen contributed Bauhinia. The genera Cassia, Chamaecrista, and Senna are authored by K. Larsen & Ding Hou, Dialium by J. P. Rojo. Ding Hou contributed the remainder of the genera. The family introduction covers 21 pages, not including the keys. There are two keys to the genera and one to the ‘exotic’ genera which are in Malesia only represented by cultivated species. For each accepted taxon, from genus to variety, there is a morphological description/diagnosis, synonymy and references, and paragraphs on habitat/ecology, distribution, uses, etc. Genera with more than one species (in the area) have a key to the species, sometimes two, and also the infraspecific taxa are keyed out. Genera are arranged alphabetically, as are the species under each genus, only in Bauhinia the species are alphabetical under the pertinent subgenus/section. Illustration is by 47 drawings, most of them full-page, and by five black-andwhite photographs.
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Flora Malesiana - Series 1, Spermatophyta | |
Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Hou, D., Larsen, K., & Larsen, S. S. (1996). Caesalpiniaceae (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae). Flora Malesiana - Series 1, Spermatophyta, 12(2), 409–730. |