Over het onderscheid tussen x Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn. en zijn ouders en tussen x Festulolium-hybriden onderling
On the difference between x Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn. and its parents, and the various x Festulolium-hybrids
Gorteria: tijdschrift voor de floristiek, de plantenoecologie en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland , Volume 10 - Issue 2/3 p. 25- 29
The difference between x Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn. and Festuca pratensis L. has been investigated by the author, x Festulolium loliaceum differs from Festuca pratensis in: 1. spikelets in the upper part of the inflorescence (-branches) sessile; 2. glumes markedly unequal (difference 1-4 mm) whereas in F. pratensis the glumes differ to up to 1 mm; 3. upper glumes 5-8 mm (in F. pratensis 4-5 mm). The author disagrees with the opinion that x Festulolium loliaceum and x F. holmbergii should never have awned lemmas. Only if the awns of the lemmas are larger than c. 1,5 mm does it seem acceptable to identify a specimen as Festuca pratensis x Lolium multiflorum (only 2 collections thusfar in the Netherlands) or, when the plant has hairy auricles, as Festuca arundinacea x Lolium multiflorum. The identification of x Festulolium collections with short-awned lemmas is uncertain. Lastly the author mentions the fact that x Festulolium loliaceum always occurs in the neighbourhood of its parents. For that reason x F. loliaceum can not belong to the Netherlands flora, as only hybrids occurring in absence of the parents are accepted in the Standard List of the Netherlands Flora.
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Gorteria: tijdschrift voor de floristiek, de plantenoecologie en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland | |
Released under the CC-BY 4.0 ("Attribution") License | |
Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
de Kort, I. (1980). Over het onderscheid tussen x Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn. en zijn ouders en tussen x Festulolium-hybriden onderling. Gorteria: tijdschrift voor de floristiek, de plantenoecologie en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland, 10(2/3), 25–29. |