Notes on Magnoliaceae II. Revision of Magnolia sections Maingola (Malesian species), Aromadendron, and Blumiana
Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants , Volume 32 - Issue 2 p. 343- 382
These notes are sequel to the Notes on Magnoliaceae in Blumea 31 (1985) 65-121. First the addenda to those notes are given. Then follows a revision of the species of Magnolia which belong to the sections Aromadendron and Blumiana, and the Malesian species of section Maingola. A survey with SEM photos is given of the undersurfaces of the leaves of sections Maingola and Aromadendron, to assist in identifying the species. A key to the sections is given, a key to the species of sections Maingola and Aromadendron together, and keys to the species of each section. In section Maingola 5 species are recognized for Malesia. Michelia beccariana Agostini and Magnolia aequinoctialis Dandy are reduced to Magnolia macklottii var. beccariana (Agostini) Noot. Magnolia carsonii Dandy ex Noot. with var. carsonii and var. drymifolia Noot., M. phaulantha Dandy ex Noot. and M. uvariifolia Dandy ex Noot. are newly described. In section Aromadendron also 5 species are recognized. Talauma bintuluensis Agostini is renamed Magnolia binluluensis (Agostini) Noot. and Aromadendron nutans Dandy is reduced to that species. Magnolia ashtonii Dandy ex Noot., M. borneensis Noot., and M. pahangensis Noot. are newly described. In section Blumiana 7 species are recognized. Magnolia pachyphylla Dandy, Talauma andamanica King, T. athliantha Dandy, T. borneensis Merr., T. forbesii King, T. gitingensis Elmer, incl. var. glabra Dandy and var. rotundata Dandy, T. gracilior Dandy, T. inflata P.Parm. [= T. undulatifolia Agostini], T. kunstleri King, T. miqueliana Dandy, T. oreadum Diels, T. peninsularis Dandy, T. rabaniana Craib, T. rubra Miq., T. sebassa Miq. ex Dandy, T. sumatrana Agostini, and T. soembensis Dandy are reduced to Magnolia candollii (Blume) H. Keng var. candollii. Talauma betongensis Craib, T. hodgsoni Hook. f. & Thomson, T. levissima Dandy, T. oblanceolata Ridley, and T. obovata Korth. are reduced to Magnolia candollii var. obovata (Korth.) Noot. Talauma angatensis (Blanco) Vidal and T. villariana Rolfe are reduced to M. candollii var. angatensis (Blanco) Noot. Talauma beccarii Ridley is reduced to M. candollii var. beccarii (Ridley) Noot. Talauma kuteinensis Agostini and T. singapurensis Ridley are reduced to M. candollii var. singapurensis (Ridley) Noot. Talauma gigantifolia Miq. is renamed Magnolia gigantifolia (Miq.) Noot. to which T. megalophylla Merr. and T. magna Agostini are reduced. Talauma sarawakensis Agostini [= T. intonsa Dandy] is renamed Magnolia sarawakensis (Agostini) Noot. In M. persuaveolens Dandy [= Talauma persuaveolens (Dandy) Dandy] the subspecies rigida Noot. is newly described with var. rigida and var. pubescens Noot. Finally Magnolia lasia Noot. and M. mariusjacobsii Noot. are newly described.
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Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants | |
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Nooteboom, H. P. (1987). Notes on Magnoliaceae II. Revision of Magnolia sections Maingola (Malesian species), Aromadendron, and Blumiana. Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 32(2), 343–382. |