Note on the Sapotaceae-Mimusopoideae in general and on the Far-Eastern Manilkara-Allies in Particular
Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants , Volume 4 - Issue 2 p. 323- 358
Manilkara ADANSON, Fam. II, 1763, 166; PIERRE & URBAN, Symb. Antill. 51, 1904, 162 (as a subgenus); DUBARD, Ann. Mus. Col. Mars. 23, 1915, 6; LECOMTE, Bull. du Museum, 1917, 35 and in Notul. Syst. 3, 1918, 340; BRITTON & WILSON, Scient. Surv. Porto Rico & Virg. Isl. VI, 1, 1925, 72; H.J. LAM, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz., Ser. III, 7, 1925, 238 and 8, 1927, 481; BENOIST, Arch. Bot. 5, Mem. 1, 1931, 241; HUTCHINSON & DALZIEL, Fl. W. Trop. Afr. II, 1, 1931, 14; CHEVALIER, Rev. Bot. appl. & Agric. tropic. 12, 1932, 261, 350; STANDLEY, Trop. Woods 31, 1932, 45; LEMEE, Dictionn. Pl. Phanér. IV, 1932, 291; EYMA, Rec. Trav. Bot. néerl. 33, 1936, 205 — Manyl-kara RHEEDE, Hort. Mal. IV, 1673, 53, t. 25 — Mimusops L., sect. Ternaria DC., Prodr. 8, 1844, 203; as a subgenus in ENGLER, Monogr. Afr. Pfl. fam. und Gatt. 8, Sap., 1904, 55 — Delastrea A. DC. in DC., Prodr. VIII, 1844, 195 — Labramia A. DC., l.c. 672 — Mimusops L., sect. Euternaria ENGL., l.c. p.p. (except § Muriea) — Northia (not of HOOK, f.) sensu H. J. LAM, 1.c. 1925, 241 and 1927, 481, pro parte; H.J. LAM, Bern. P. Bish. Mus. Bull. 141, 1936, 163. Trees with hard and often reddish wood and sympodial branchlets; stipules caducous or none; leaves more or less coriaceous, often obovate with rounded apex, lower side often lighter coloured than upper one, with selereids (f. LECOMTE); tertiary nerves very slender and numerous, in general parallel to the secondary ones which are hardly more conspicuous, often with a minute reticulation between; inflorescences axillary, fasciculate; sepals in two rows of 3 each; petals 6, with narrowed base inserted on a corolla-tube as long as or shorter than the petals, each of them with two dorsal appendages which are mostly about as long as the petals and of the same shape but often narrower and more acute, rarely much shorter (about ½ or less in M. kanosiensis and M. vitiensis); stamens 6, epipetalous; staminodes 6 alternipetalous and in the same row as the stamens, differently shaped, broadly ovate, acuminate to small or subulate, irregularly dentate or fimbriate, trifid or bifid, sometimes scalelike, very rarely reduced to none (M. fasciculata, vitiensis) ovary 15—6-celled, pubescent, but sometimes surrounded by a glabrous adnate disc; cells 1-ovuled, ovules ventrally or basiventrally attached; fruit drupaceous, but pericarp often rather dry, 6—1-seeded; scar of the seed ventral or basiventral, long and narrow or rarely larger and ovate (fasciculata) or circular (M. Bojeri, dissecta, Eickii) albumen abundant, the cotyledons thin. About 74 species in all tropical countries, of which about 25 in Central America, about 34 in the African region and some 15 in Asia-Polynesia.
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Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants | |
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Lam, H. J. (1941). Note on the Sapotaceae-Mimusopoideae in general and on the Far-Eastern Manilkara-Allies in Particular. Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 4(2), 323–358. |