Some new species of Axonopus (Gramineae)
Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants , Volume 5 - Issue 1 p. 274- 279
During the preparation of an account of the grasses for the flora of Dutch Guiana many difficulties were found in the identification of species of the genus Axonopus. Our knowledge as to the most recent treatment is entirely based upon Doell’s work for the Flora Brasiliensis. It is, however, evident that Doell did not see many types and his concept of many species proves to be incorrect. The modern genus Axonopus is not accepted by Doell but treated by him as a section Emprosthion of the large genus Paspalum. The difficulties arose already when he treated Fluegge’s Paspalum furcatum which is a continental North American species. Raddi’s Paspalum obtusifolium from Brazil, although given as a synonym, is a quite distinct species. As another synonym is mentioned by Doell in Fl. Bras., Vol. II, pars II, p. 103: Panicum surinamense Hochstetter in Hostm. et Kappler, Plant. Surinam, n. 1283 with the addition: “spiculis ad margines, imprimis basi, magis pilosis”. The correct citation of Panicum surinamense Hochst. is, however, given by Steudel in his Synopsis, where the species is published. The type of Steudel was certainly not seen by Doell, but the valid publication of the year 1854 was mentioned by Doell under Paspalum scoparium Fluegge with the same number 1283 and the addition “partis nomine”. I observe here that the synonyms under Paspalum scoparium Fluegge in Doell’s treatment are for the greater part wrongly placed. It may be that Doell saw different plants of Hostmann and Kappler’s number 1283, but the type of Steudel corresponds to only one definite species, correctly described by him. From the description it is evident that Steudel’s plant is neither Paspalum furcatum nor Paspalum scoparium. To demonstrate this we have but to compare the description from the year 1854 which runs as follows: Panicum surinamense Hochst. (Hrbr. Dr. Hostmann nr. 1283) Erectum; culmo firmo valido elato (abscisso 3-pedali); vaginis longissimis basi cum nodis dense molliterque sursum ad vaginas tantum pilosis; foliis linearibus compressis (1’ longis in statu explanato 4—5’’’ latis) glabris carina scabriusculis; racemis elongatis (6—9’’) longis strictis fasciculatis (6—8); spiculis solitariis subsessilibus alternis subimbricatis lanceolatis glabris; gluma inferiore vix ulla (nisi apex explanatus pedicelli brevissimi), superiore 3-nervia flosculum aequante. Surinam.
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Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants | |
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Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Henrard, J. T. (1942). Some new species of Axonopus (Gramineae). Blumea: Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 5(1), 274–279. |