The genus Orophea Blume (Annonaceae: Saccopetaleae) has been revised with the following main results: — The genus in the circumscription of most authors is not monophyletic, but biphyletic. The genus Mezzettiopsis Ridley has to be reinstated. — Pseuduvaria, Mitrephora, Petalolophus, Oreomitra, Schefferomitra, Goniothalmus, Exellia, Popowia, Richella, Phaeanthus, Trivalvaria and Atopostema are not closely related to Orophea as supposed by Fries (1959). — For the tribe in which Orophea has to be placed, the name Saccopetaleae Hook. f. & Thomson has to be accepted for nomenclatural reasons. Its members are Miliusa, Orophea, Mezzettiopsis, Phoenicanthus, Alphonsea and Platymitra. — Characters of the genus have been studied and a new classification below genus level has been proposed, i.e. subgenera Orophea and Sphaerocarpon Keßler, subgen. nov. — Transverse sections through the cavity of some inner petals show characteristic glandular tissue thus demonstrating that these cavities are nectary glands. — For the tribe and the genus a dichotomous and a synoptical key are provided allowing determination at least in fertile state. — The 85 known names have to be reduced to 37 species, including 11 species described as new. Some species have to be united, many have to be transferred to different genera such as Pseuduvaria, Mitrephora, Popowia, Alphonsea, Phoenicanthus, Sageraea, Guamia or Mezzettiopsis. — Distribution patterns of the genus and the species have been presented. A laurasian origin of the group is probable.