Below black; thorax testaceous, bimaculate; elytra finely pubescent, dark greenish black, the suture and lateral margin narrowly testaceous. — Length 5 lines. Head closely punctured at the vertex, without any transverse groove, the frontal tubercles very indistinct; lower part of face testaceous; antennae black, short, robust, fourth joint scarcely longer than the third, the following four joints shorter, broader and somewhat flattened, three terminal ones much narrower and only half the size; thorax nearly 3 times as broad as long, narrowed towards the apex, the sides scarcely rounded, posterior angles slightly oblique, surface very finely and rather closely punctured at the sides, the latter with a deep oblique depression, which is surrounded by a large black spot; another transverse short depression is visible close to the anterior and posterior margin at the middle; scutellum testaceous, pubescent; elytra convex, not widened behind, pubescent at the margins, the latter testaceous, rest of the surface dark greenish, closely rugose-punctate; underside and legs black, covered with a delicate pale pubescence.