New species of Gyrinidae in the Leyden Museum
Notes from the Leyden Museum , Volume 4 - Issue 1 p. 59- 71
Long 11½ mm. — Ovatus, sat convexus, post humeros dilatatus; supra aeneo-olivaceus, nitidulus, in capite et prothorace leviter purpurascens; infra niger, pedibus anticis nigro-piceis, intermediis et posticis nigro-ferrugineis. Elytris subtilissime reticulatis, haud transversim striolatis, ante apicem extus emarginato-dentatis, ad apicem truncatis, angulo externo obtuso, haud prominulo, interno recto, extus sulcis tribus sericeo-aeneis, 1° externo apicem attingente, 2° paulo ante apicem, 3° paulo post basin abbreviato. ♂ tibiis anticis rectis, triangularibus, angulo apicali externo prominulo. Of an oval shape, rather convex, the greatest width a little behind the shoulders. The uppersurface of the body very glossy, of a beautiful olivaceous bronze color, with purplish tinges which are more especially visible on the head, the prothorax and the scutellum. The undersurface of the body glossy black, the anterior legs blackish brown, the middle- and hind-legs ferrugineous red, somewhat brownish on the femur. The elytra, which are very delicately reticulated, have no transverse striolae; before the extremity they are slightly emarginate on the outer margin so as to form a tooth, further on they are transversely truncated, the angles not blunted, the outer one obtuse, the inner or sutural-one rectangular. Laterally the elytra are provided with three grooves of a sericeous bronze color of which the outer one is entire, the second abbreviated at a short distance before the apex and the third marked only at the base; sometimes there are almost imperceptible traces of other grooves. The anterior tibia of the male is straight, triangular, with the outer apical angle in the shape of a short tooth which is curved outwards.
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Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Régimbart, M. (1882). New species of Gyrinidae in the Leyden Museum. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 4(1), 59–71. |