This species was established after a single specimen without indication of the sex. See Newton in Proc. Zol. Soc. London, 1863, p. 85, pl. 13. Crossley collected two other specimens (Sharpe, ibid. 1871, p. 318), and Hartlaub, Vögel Madagascars, 1877, p. 105, mentions a few other specimens existing in different collections. They were all obtained in the North-East part of Madagascar from Tamatave upwards along the bay of Antongil. A small series of specimens collected in the latter locality, containing specimens of both sexes, proved, that there exists a constant difference of color between the two sexes, and that all the specimens hitherto described belong to the female sex. This sex indeed is distinguished by having the underside of a sordid fulvous reddish brown, washed with grayish green. The male, on the contrary, has all these parts tinged with the same color as is seen on the upperside of the bird. Mr. Audebert states that this bird, creeping in among the foliage of the tops of the highest trees of the primeval forest, is obtained with great difficulty.