Length 7,5 mm. — Dark piceous; the anterior portion of the head, the antennae, the manducating apparatus, and the coxae, trochanters and base of the femora dark castaneous-red; the elytra almost black, with a yellowish, irregular band along four fifths of the suture. At the base of the elytra this band occupies the space between the exterior margin of the shoulders and the suture; at one fifth from the base it narrows suddenly and then gradually down to the middle of the length of the elytra, where it is very narrow; behind the middle it again widens out and ceases at one fifth from the apex. The line of demarcation between the black and the yellowish color is very irregular; some (3 or 4) rounded small black spots may be observed on each elytron in the basal half of the yellowish band; they are more or less regularly distributed: two at some distance from the suture, the other near the shoulder. Head almost without gloss, minutely shagreened, with a fine longitudinal median line which divides a transverse tubercle on the vertex; the anterior portion of the head flattened, smooth, shining, with slightly raised margins and narrowly emarginated in front. The antennae shining, opaque along the under or front margin of the apical joint of the club which, as well as the basal joint of the club, is minutely punctured. The first joint of the antennae square, somewhat longer than broad; the club subdivided into a short transverse reniform basal joint which is rounded at its front – and obtusely pointed at its hind margin, and into a large apical joint, which is distinctly longer than broad, broadly rounded at the top, strongly gibbous on both sides and has acute margins; along its upper or hind margin this joint is provided with three very distinct transverse impressions which may perhaps be considered as indicating a rudimental articulation; its basal division somewhat protrudes at the hind margin where it turns upward.