His Excellency, the present Governor General of Dutch India J. W. van Lansberge, Bart. L. L. D. by repeatedly authorizing exploring expeditions into different parts of the Indian Archipelago has given a glorious example how to promote a science which he cultivates himself most ardently. Mr. J. E. Teysmann honorary Inspector of the cultures at Buitenzorg in the isle of Java, put at the head of the expedition, was accompanied by a certain number of hunters for the purpose of collecting and preparing zoological objects. During a visit in the district of Macassar in the southern part of Celebes, the party met with the undiscribed species of heron, the epithet of which will serve to remember the name of one of the few high functionaries, who appreciate the interest and value of scientific researches. The Ardea Lansbergei appears to belong to the division of herons, designed under the name of Semi-Egrets (See my Museum des Pays-Bas, Ardeae, p. 20), and approaches in general appearance more particularly to Ardea gularis and jugularis, but being very distinct from all of them by a different system of coloration of the plumage, which in some measure reminds us of that of the rare species of true, buth rather small sized heron from Australia, Ambon and Celebes, called Ardea picata.