Description of a new species of the genus Tomicus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
Notes from the Leyden Museum , Volume 19 - Issue 1/2 p. 135- 136
Oblongus, castaneo-fuscus, nitidus; subtus et antennis ferrugineo-testaceis; thorace convexo, antice fortiter exasperato, postice laevibus, basi marginato, angulis posticis rotundatis, apice fortiter rotundato. Elytris antice convexis, fortiter striato-punctatis, postice declivis, profunde impressis et dentibus duabus in utroque depressionis latere armatis. — Long. 3—3 1/2 mm. Oblong, shining, brighter or darker chestnut-brown, (in some specimens the thorax is of a brighter colour than the elytra), here and there with tolerably long grayish yellow hairs.
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Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Veen, H. (1897). Description of a new species of the genus Tomicus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Notes from the Leyden Museum, 19(1/2), 135–136. |