Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Coelosterna (Coleoptera) aus Sumatra
Notes from the Leyden Museum , Volume 29 - Issue 1 p. 54- 56
Nigra, fere ubique sulphureo-tomentosa; antennis, macula postoculari, thorace vitta laterali spinaque, linea tenui mediana, scutello apice, elytris humeris limboque externo, nigro-denudatis, bis apice truncatis ac singulis bispinosis. Long. corporis 41, lat. ad bum. 15mm. Patria: Sumatrae litus in oriente, Tandjong Poera, legit R. Heinze 1904 (Mus. Dresdense N°. 18171).
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Notes from the Leyden Museum | |
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Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Heller, K. M. (1907). Zwei neue Arten der Gattung Coelosterna (Coleoptera) aus Sumatra. Notes from the Leyden Museum, 29(1), 54–56. |