A review is given of pre-hercynian metasediments and granites (including per-alkaline aegirineriebeckite granites) found in W. Galicia. These rocks were subsequently deformed and metamorphosed by the hercynian orogeny. Evidence in favour of the existence of a pre-hercynian metamorphism that affected the metasediments is presented. Some special relations between granite-gneisses and metasediments, e.g., the development of thermo-metamorphic aureoles around some pre-hercynian granites and the influence of sodium-metasomatism from riebeckite gneiss upon rocks surrounding them are discussed. La presente contribución trata exclusivamente de las regiones investigadas por la Escuela de Leiden, menos la zona de Cabo Ortegal descrita por D. E. Vogel en una contribución subsecuente. Los trabajos desarrollados por los distintos estudiantes se encuentran en estadios muy variables de elaboración; en consecuencia, muchos datos deben ser considerados como provisionales.