Description of three fresh-water species of Echinogammarus: E. berytensis n. sp. from the center of Lebanon near Beirut, E. tripoliensis n. sp. and E. rashiini n. sp. from the North of the country near Tripoli. The first two species are related; the second one has some features of the E. simoni-group, such as the elongated carpus of the first leg. The third species is related to E. cannubinensis Alouf which lives in the same river system where E. tripoliensis and E. rashiini are found.

Bulletin Zoologisch Museum

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Naturalis journals & series

Alouf, N. J. (1976). Sur la présence d’Echinogammarus du groupe pungens au Liban: E. berytensis n. sp., E. tripoliensis n. sp. et E. rashiini n. sp. (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Bulletin Zoologisch Museum, 5(20), 163–167.