As our knowledge of extinct mammals is rather poor, is seems worthwhile to publish the following notes on the Quagga. Mr. Haga was so kind as to call my attention to the 6 volumes of bound watercolour-drawings in the Print Room at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam known as the Gordon-Atlas. It consists of 456 drawings by or executed at the indications of Robert Jacob Gordon (see Note I) during expeditions into the interior of South Africa starting from the Cape of Good Hope in the years 1773-1790. Gordon’s widow took the drawings with her to England.

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Naturalis journals & series

Tuijn, P. (1966). Historical notes on the Quagga [Equus quagga Gmelin, 1788; Mammalia, Perissodactyla], comprising some remarks on Buffon-editions published in Holland. Bijdragen tot de dierkunde, 36(1), 75–79.