Anatomical and morphometric analysis of a new species of Leitoscoloplos (Annelida: Orbiniidae) with numerous stomach papillae, from the Gulf of California, Eastern Pacific
Contributions to Zoology , Volume 83 - Issue 2 p. 133- 150
from the continental shelf of the Gulf of California lacking thoracic neuropodial hooks confirmed that a new species, Leitoscoloplos multipapillatus, described herein, is present along with Leitoscoloplos panamensis (Monro. 1933), already recorded there. The new species is closely related to L. panamensis, but can be clearly separated from this, and all other species of Leitoscoloplos, by the unique presence of up to 14 stomach papillae per chaetiger. A third taxon was identified, Leitoscoloplos sp., which is morphologically indistinguishable from L. panamensis, except for the presence of 1-2 stomach papillae on 1-2 segments, a feature that although important was not considered significant enough to erect a new species. Morphometric analyses between the closely related species, L. panamensis (including its type material) and L. multipapillatus sp. nov., in addition to Leitoscoloplos sp., were used to verify the new species. The generic diagnosis is emended to include species with numerous stomach papillae. Anatomical examination of these species was carried out with SEM to illustrate their characteristic features and corroborate the presence of capillary chaetae only along the thorax of the analysed specimens, as well as the unusual occurrence of stomach papillae.
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Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Hernández-Alcántara, P., & Solís-Weiss, V. (2014). Anatomical and morphometric analysis of a new species of Leitoscoloplos (Annelida: Orbiniidae) with numerous stomach papillae, from the Gulf of California, Eastern Pacific. Contributions to Zoology, 83(2), 133–150. |