The STERNA project mainly focuses on enrichment of existing content of content holding organisations in the natural history domain. Therefore, developing a methodology on how to best integrate one’s content into the STERNA information space is an essential part of the project. This document is the outcome of that developing process. It describes in detail a six-step procedure on how to go about content selection, how to submit the necessary information to enable our technology providers to develop a domain-specific data model that incorporates all the required parts, and how to approach the actual content enrichment process. In addition, this document contains three annexes that focus on data modelling in STERNA, on relevant examples of content items in the STERNA data model, and finally, on getting to know your way around the RNA Toolset, a set of versatile, easy-to-use tools that support various aspects of the content enrichment process.

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Staff publications

Nederbragt, H., & Heerlien, M. (2010, January). Methodology for content enrichment. [s.n., s.l.].