Some species described by Grube and O. Pickard-Cambridge from Siberia and by Thorell from The Netherlands are discussed and partly revised. The following synonymies and new combinations are discussed: Linyphia sagittata Grube = Helophora insignis (Blackwall) ; Linyphia (Bolyphantes) sibirica Grube = Stemonyphantes lineatus (L.) ; Zilla mordax Thorell = Enoplognatha mordax (Thorell) (= Enoplognatha crucifera (Thorell), junior synonym) ; Erigone tarsalis Thorell = Oedothorax fuscus (Blackwall) ; Theridium hasseltii Thorell = Theridion blackwalli O. Pickard-Cambridge; Linyphia taczanowskii O. Pickard-Cambridge = Lepthyphantes trucidans (L. Koch). Lepthyphantes dybowskii (O. Pickard-Cambridge) is redescribed. Erigone speciosa Thorell and E. leptocarpa Thorell, Sagana rutilans Thorell, Lepthyphantes karpinskii O. Pickard-Cambridge and L. unicornis O. Pickard-Cambridge are discussed.