CONTENTS Introduction.......... 3 Acknowledgements........ 4 List of the stations where Asteroidea were collected........ 4 Taxonomic report......... 7 Identification.......... 9 Survey of the species........ 11 Literature cited......... 88 Index............ 95 INTRODUCTION In a previous paper (Walenkamp, 1976) a revision was given of the Asteroidea of the coastal waters of Surinam. Since the preparation of that paper new material, collected in 1970 by the "Luymes" Guyana Shelf Expedition, became available. The present report is based on this new material. The 1970 expedition not only explored the waters off Surinam, but also the continental shelf off Guyana and French Guyana, and, moreover, investigated deeper waters than the O.C.P.S. expeditions dealt with in my 1976 paper. As a result fourteen species were taken, which were not represented in the collections of the previous expeditions. The present report, which can be considered a supplement to the 1976 report, has the same set-up. Of the newly found species synonymy and full descriptions are given. For the other species I may refer to the 1976 descriptions. In addition to the material mentioned above, a small collection of Asteroidea, property of the Surinaams Museum, Paramaribo, is included. These