This study deals with Caridean fauna living between the leaves of New-Caledonian seagrassmeadows (Cymodocea sp. principally) from zero to about eight meters and sampled during day and night. Twenty species (all figured) were caught (excluding Alpheidae). All are known. Nevertheless, in some cases, small variations have been observed by comparison with the same species from other areas. Presently, 70 species are recognized from New-Caledonian marine waters, including the 17 species reported in this papier for the first time from that region. Comparison with Caridean fauna of seagrass-meadows of other areas (Australia, Japan, Madagascar) shows a very important resemblance between them.

Zoologische Verhandelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

Ledoyer, M. (1984). Les Caridea (Crustacea: Decapoda) des Herbiers de Phanérogames Marines de Nouvelle-Caledonie (Région de Nouméa) (Systématiquee, écologie, variations Nycthémèrales et vicariance). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 211(1), 1–58.