The spider fauna of Scragh Bog, a quacking bog in Co Westmeath, Ireland, was investigated for the first time. The presence of 53 species could be established, two of which are new to Ireland (Carorita limnaea (Crosby & Bishop), Porrhomma oblitum (O.P.-Cambridge)), while 30 represent new county records [Philodromus aureolus (Clerck), Tibellus maritimus (Meigen), Misumena vatia (Clerck), Oxyptila trux (Blackwall), Neon reticulatus (Blackwall), Sitticus caricis (Westring), Pirata hygrophilus Thorell, Pirata piscatorius (Clerck), Antistea elegans (Blackwall), Ero cambridgei Kulczynski, Theridion instabile O.P.Cambridge, Metellina mengei (Blackwall), Aphileta misera (O.P.-Cambridge), Araeoncus crassiceps (Westring), Bathyphantes approximatus (O.P.-Cambridge), Bathyphantes parvulus (Westring), Carorita limnaea (Crosby & Bishop), Diplocephalus permixtus (O.P.-Cambridge), Drepanotylus uncatus (O.P.-Cambridge), Erigonella ignobilis (O.P.-Cambridge), Kaestneria pullata (O.P.-Cambridge), Lophomma punctatum (Blackwall), Maso sundevalli (Westring), Micrargus herbigradus (Blackwall), Microlinyphia impigra (O.P.-Cambridge), Neriene clathrata (Sundevall), Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall), Oedothorax retusus (Westring), Porrhomma oblitum (O.P.-Cambridge), Taranucnus setosus (O.P.-Cambridge)].

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Zoologische Verhandelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

van Helsdingen, P. (1998). The spider fauna of Scragh Bog in Co Westmeath, Ireland (Arachnida: Araneae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 323(31), 407–415.