A re-description is given of Taiwanaphis including Sensoriaphis Cottier, 1953 and Paracallipterus Raychaudhuri & A. K. Ghosh, 1964. The following new species are described: Taiwanaphis atrovirens spec. nov., presumably from Syzygium spec.; Taiwanaphis atuberculata spec. nov., from Syzygium lineatum (DC.) Merr. & Perry; Taiwanaphis memecyloni spec. nov., from Memecylon laevigatum Bl. and M. myrsinoides Bl.; Taiwanaphis montanicola spec. nov., from Syzygium racemosum (Bl.) DC, and Taiwanaphis pseudocaudata spec. nov., from Syzygium syzygioides (Miq.) Amsh. Keys are given to the alatae viviparae and their last larval stages of these species.

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Zoologische Verhandelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

Noordam, D., & Hille Ris Lambers, D. (1985). Aphids of Java. Part I: Introduction, five new species of Taiwanaphis Takahashi, 1934, with re-description of the Genus (Homoptera: Aphididae). Zoologische Verhandelingen, 219(1), 1–45.