CONTENTS Introduction................... 3 The male genitalia of the subgenus Psen Latreille......... 5 Key to the Indo-Australian and East-Asiatic species of the subgenus Psen Latreille 11 Groups of species of the subgenus Psen Latreille with new species and new records 17 Key to the Indo-Australian and East-Asiatic species of the subgenus Mimumesa Malloch................... 63 Old and new species of the subgenus Mimumesa Malloch and new records . . 64 Key to the East-Asiatic species of the subgenus Mimesa Shuckard..... 69 East-Asiatic species of the subgenus Mimesa Shuckard........ 70 Distribution of the genus Psen Latreille (East Asia and Indo-Australia) ... 73 Literature.................... 77 Index..................... 80 INTRODUCTION Shortly after my first contribution to the knowledge of the Indo-Australian Psenini (May, 1959) two interesting studies on Psenini were published, namely one by Carl M. Yoshimoto (August, 1959) on the Hawaiian genera Deinomimesa Perkins and Nesomimesa Perkins and an extensive paper by K. Tsuneki (September, 1959) on tne genera Psen Latreille and Psenulus Kohl from Japan and Korea. A new comparative study of Indo-Australian and East-Asiatic material has revealed many interesting close relationships within the subgenus Psen Latreille. Furthermore I have had the opportunity to examine the Psen types of Cameron, Nurse and Turner in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History) and of the Oxford University Museum, together