Changes to the Dutch list of weevils: Simo hirticornis to be deleted and S. variegatus to be added (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Some years ago Palm (1995) discovered that the weevil ‘Simo hirticornis’ was a mixture of two species: S. hirticornis en S. variegatus. Dutch material from institutional collections as well as from some private collections was examined and it turned out that all Dutch specimens belong to S. variegatus. Therefore S. hirticornis must be deleted from the Dutch beetle list and replaced by S. variegatus. Information is presented on the occurrence of S. variegatus in the Netherlands. Diagnostic characters of both species are discussed.

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Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen

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Naturalis journals & series

Heijerman, T. (2002). Veranderingen in de lijst van Nederlandse snuitkevers: Simo hirticornis vervalt voor onze fauna en S. variegates wordt toegevoegd (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen, 16, 91–98.