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New species in the Old World: Europe as a frontier in biodiversity exploration, a test bed for 21st century taxonomy Article
PLoS ONE, 7(5)B. Fontaine, C. van Achterberg (Cornelis), M.A. Alonso-Zarazaga, R. Araujo, M. Asche, H. Aspöck, U. Aspöck, P. Audisio, B. Aukema (Berend), N. Bailly, et al. M. Balsamo, R.A. Bank, C. Belfiore, W. Bogdanowicz, G.A. Boxshall (Geoffrey), D. Burckhardt, P. Chylarecki, L. Deharveng, A. Dubois, H. Enghoff, R. Fochetti, C. Fontaine, O. Gargominy, M.S.G. Lopez, D. Goujet, M.S. Harvey, K.-G. Heller, P.J. van Helsdingen (Peter), H. Hoch, Y.S.D.M. de Jong (Yde), O. Karsholt, W. Los, W. Magowski, J.A. Massard, S.J. McInnes, L.F. Mendes, E. Mey, V. Michelsen, Alessandro Minelli, J.M.N. Nafria, E.J. van Nieukerken (Erik), Th. Pape, W. de Prins, M. Ramos, C. Ricci, C. Roselaar, E. Rota, H. Segers, T. Timm, J. van Tol and P. Bouchet
January 2012 -
Genetic patterns in European Geometrid Moths revealed by the Barcode Index Number (BIN) System Article
PLoS ONE, 8(12)A. Hausmann, H.C.J. Godfray, J. Huemer, M. Mutanen, R. Rougerie, E.J. van Nieukerken (Erik), S. Ratnasingham and P.D.N. Hebert
January 2013 -
Phylogeography of the Sponge Suberites diversicolor in Indonesia: insights into the evolution of marine lake populations Article
PLoS ONE, 10(8)L.E. Becking (Leontine), D. Erpenbeck, K.T.C.A. Peijnenburg (Katja) and N.J. de Voogd (Nicole)
January 2013 -
Lock, stock and two different barrels: comparing the genetic composition of morphotypes of the Indo-Pacific sponge Xestospongia testudinaria Article
PLoS ONE, 8(9)T. Swierts (Thomas), K.T.C.A. Peijnenburg (Katja), C. de Leeuw, D.F.R. Cleary (Daniel), C. Hörnlein, E. Setiawan, G. Wörheide, D. Erpenbeck and N.J. de Voogd (Nicole)
January 2013 -
A global phylogeny of leafmining Ectoedemia moths (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae): exploring host plant family shifts and allopatry as drivers of speciation Article
PLoS ONE, 10(3), 1-20.C. Doorenweerd, E.J. van Nieukerken (Erik) and S.B.J. Menken
January 2015 -
Species Diversity in the Parasitoid Genus Asobara (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from the Native Area of the Fruit Fly Pest Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Article
PLoS ONE, 11(2), 1-28.E. Guerrieri, M. Giorgini, P. Cascone, S. Carpenito and C. van Achterberg (Cornelis)
January 2016