DUNCAN, B.D. & G. ISAAC. Ferns and allied plants of Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. 1986. xii, 258 pp., line drawings, maps, b/w photogr., 8 col. pl. In Europe available from HB Sales, Littleton Road, Ashford TW15 1UQ, U.K. Ł 25.00. ISBN 0-522-84262-3. A beautifully and lavishly illustrated, thorough account of the 128 ferns and fern-allies of the Southernmost extremities of the Australian subcontinent. For the Malesian oriented scientist primarily interesting because of the excellent view it offers of a flora that is close to the Malesian flora on the generic level (almost 90% of the genera enumerated in common) and at the same time very distinct on the specific level (hardly 16% in common).
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Flora Malesiana Bulletin | |
Released under the CC-BY 4.0 ("Attribution") License | |
Organisation | Naturalis journals & series |
Hovenkamp, P., Veldkamp, J. F., Nooteboom, H., Nooteboom, H., Hovenkamp, P., & Ridsdale, C. E. (1987). Reviews. Flora Malesiana Bulletin, 40(9/4), 439–445. |