Addition to chapter VI b (p. 2011)
Flora Malesiana Bulletin , Volume 26 - Issue 1 p. 2046- 2046
Botanic Garden at the University of Malaya. A plan was submitted by Professor W.R. Stanton, head of the Botany Division, University of Malaya, K.L., to establish a new botanic garden of some 100 acres as a teaching facility and for the benefit of biological education institutes and the general public. It was proposed that the facility is partly self-financing. The locality suggested is the valley behind the Faculty of Science on the campus having a common boundary with the field area of the Faculty of Agriculture to which its functions would be complementary. It will have a permanent establishment of 7 graduates (of whom two at least will have honours), c. 8 technical staff and 50 labourers, clerks, drivers, etc. It will conduct its own husbandry and maintenance. It is proposed as a phased development ultimately containing an advanced laboratory and herbarium and providing a central facility to the Nation for teaching and examination material. Let us hope that Prof. Stanton’s laudable initiative will bear fruit. The establishment Fund of about 200.000 str. dollars and maintenance cost of 100-150.000 does seem to come well within the big income capacity Malaysia has from cutting her forests and selling timber.
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Author Unknown, . (1972). Addition to chapter VI b (p. 2011). Flora Malesiana Bulletin, 26(1), 2046–2046. |